Deleted by WordPress!

Well, it finally happened. WordPress suspended the original Secrets of the Dark blog in violation of their terms of service, which is odd, because I had been writing about the dark web and related things for around five years.

I suspect that someone complained about a specific post, which may have been the impetus for them suspending it, but I'm not sure. They didn't specify in the notification what the cause was for them shutting it down.

Fortunately, many of the older posts are at least on the Wayback Machine, so I may repost some of them here or just write new ones. In addition, I may move here permanently, or I've also been writing on Substack, which is an option as well. Substack seems to be a platform for more formal articles, of course.

In any case, there are lots of options! I plan on building everything back up from scratch, and will not be defeated.